Maharashtra Cops Exposed, Taking Bribe, Asking Forgiveness
What happened was that the riders were going for a walk when this incident happened.
These people were going from Mumbai to Goa, they did not know the way so they took the help of Google Map.
The GPS took them to a highway where bikes were not allowed.
Then the policeman stopped them and said, bikes were not allowed on this road, so how did you guys bring them?
They said, sorry, we did not know the way, we were coming after seeing the Google Map location.
So the policeman said that a challan will be issued to you all.
Everything was going well then suddenly a biker passed by from behind, did not stop and took 200 rupees from him and left, then a drama happened.
Then what happened next, let’s see the whole in this video.
Also Watch: Live Crash and Bike Totaly Loss